Confidentiality Statement

KAISER IMMOBILIEN, limited liability company for real estate trade (hereinafter referred to as: KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o.); OIB: 03531895466, with registered office: Vlašići 1B, 51410 Veprinac, Croatia, as the controller of your personal data, uses and protects all information that the Users of this company provide when using the website and its other services.

Personal data means any information that relates to a specific natural person or an identifiable natural person. In particular, all data used to establish the user's identity (for example, first and last name, e-mail address, etc.) are considered personal data.

Processing of personal data is any activity or set of activities performed on personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or modification, downloading, viewing, use, making available by transmission, publication or otherwise, sorting or combining, blocking, deleting or destroying, as well as performing logical, mathematical and other operations on this data.

How we collect personal data

KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o. collects your personal data in the following cases:

  • if you contact us directly via the contact form on the website of KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o. and you request information or a price quote for our services,
  • if you respond to our direct marketing campaigns, for example by completing a contact form on our website,
  • if our partners provide us with your data in a permitted manner,
  • if you are under 16, please do not provide us with any information without the consent of a parent or guardian.

How your data may be used

The use of personal data in accordance with the data protection regulations must be justified on one of the legal "grounds", and we will set out those bases for any use of personal data through these rules.

Legitimate bases for data processing are, among others, legitimate interest, contractual obligation, legal basis and consent. Processing based on legitimate interest is used by KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o. to promote and provide information about its services and in order to maintain the highest standards of sales of the services it offers.

Personal data may be transferred to third parties provided that there is a legitimate reason for such transfer.

KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o. uses your personal data for direct marketing, through which it informs you about news and events in our offer, about presentations of new services, as well as about our participation in fairs, conferences and other events, exclusively with your consent.

Consent to direct marketing can be revoked at any time. Any person can also object to the processing of data for the aforementioned purpose at any time.

KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o. is subject to the laws of the Republic of Croatia as well as the international regulations it must comply with, including the provision of your data to executive, administrative and judicial authorities and third parties in a dispute in connection with proceedings or investigations anywhere in the world where required. Where permitted, we will address such a request directly to you or notify you before providing a response, i.e. except where such a procedure could have an impact on the prevention or detection of crime.

Providing personal data to comply with binding requests for your data is a legal obligation that depends on the specific request.

How we keep your data safe

To protect and maintain the security, integrity and availability of your information, we use a variety of security measures, including encryption and authentication of information.

Among others, we use the following measures:

  • strictly limited personal access to your data according to the principle of "necessary access",
  • secure transfer of collected data,
  • installation of firewalls on IT systems to prevent unauthorized access and
  • permanent monitoring of access to IT systems in order to detect and prevent misuse of personal data.

All data is stored on our secure servers and our partners' secure servers and is accessed and used in accordance with our security policies and standards. We process personal data in a secure manner, including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing and against loss.

By registering or filling out the contact form on the website, you give us separate consent (permission) to process your personal data specified in the registration or contact form for a specific purpose/s, as well as the data available in the documentation delivery process.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal data and handling it in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (679/2016), the Act on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (OG 42/2018) and other applicable regulations.

We undertake that we will not misuse personal data from the registration form or through cookies, nor will we transfer them to third parties without your permission, except in cases where the law expressly requires it and in cases where it is necessary to fulfill obligations. All data used to establish the User's identity (for example, first and last name, e-mail address, etc.), which are used to answer the User's questions, statistics, or send special offers and newsletters with specially obtained consent, are considered personal data.

In the event that you no longer wish us to process your data in any way, request the deletion, correction or transfer of your data, please inform us by e-mail at

KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o. may contact the User to verify the authenticity of the request.
A user who is a natural person can request KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o. at any time:

  • provide access to the personal data collection catalog;
  • to confirm whether the data in relation to the User is being processed and to enable the control of personal data contained in the system for storing personal data and their copying;
  • transfer personal data contained in the data storage system;
  • provide a list of third parties to whom personal data was transferred, when it was transferred to them, on what basis and for what purpose;
  • provides information about the sources on which the records are based, what personal data the storage system contains about the person and the method of processing;
  • provide information on the purpose of processing and the type of personal data processed, as well as any necessary explanations in this regard;
  • explain technical or logical-technical decision-making procedures if it performs automated decision-making by processing the personal data of a natural person.
  • retention period of user data by KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o. lasts for life or until the request for erasure is received by the natural person to whom the personal data relates, after which the personal data is deleted. KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o. keeps personal data longer than the stated period only if it is binding according to the current regulations in the Republic of Croatia or transnational legal regulations.

Personal data that is no longer needed is either irretrievably anonymized or securely destroyed.

If the User has objections to the processing of his data by KAISER IMMOBILIEN d.o.o., he can submit his objection to the competent state authority, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Act on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation.